

The Charles County Arts Alliance (CCAA) carries out the majority of its plans and programs through its standing committees. Each standing committee is chaired by a member of the CCAA Board of Directors, and all committees are comprised of members. The outstanding work of our standing committees is essential to achieving the mission and goals of our organization, and we appreciate all their efforts very much!

The standing committees of the CCAA are as follows:

  • Budget, Finance and Audit Committee
  • ArtsFest Committee
  • Grant Panel
  • Scholarship Panel

In addition to our CCAA standing committees, “ad-hoc” committees are established periodically by the CCAA Board of Directors for a specific task and with limited duration.

To serve on a CCAA committee, an individual must be a CCAA paid member in good standing.  We welcome new members to our CCAA committees at any time throughout the year. Please consider joining us!

If you have any committee-related questions, please contact us.


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